Fixed income

Climate Transition Global Buy and Maintain Strategy

The strategy aims to capture climate transition opportunities across sectors, generating regular income to meet investors’ needs through a buy and maintain management style. While focusing on low turnover, capital preservation and limiting credit migration this strategy aims to decarbonize by 2050.

Competitive advantages

Yield-enhanced total return solutions

​Consistent and competitive long-term performance, on both an absolute and risk-adjusted basis.

Benchmark-aware vs. Benchmark-centric

Absolute return orientation and flexibility to focus on less efficient sectors within the market.

Client partnership model

An extension of each client’s team—a tailored portfolio, not a “product.”

Optimal team structure

The team is functionally organized to extract value from the market.

Competitive income and risk controls

Well-underwritten income seeks to drive competitive total return and information ratios.

Our team
Meet the investment team

To deliver strong performance for clients, the teams maintain an intense focus on finding high-quality, well-underwritten bonds with a competitive income advantage.

Contact Us

We look forward to helping you with your investment needs